AVAXGods: Blockchain NFT Card Battle Game (Avalanche)

AVAXGods is a decentralized NFT card battle game that leverages the power of blockchain to deliver a strategic and engaging gameplay experience. Built using ERC1155 tokens on the Avalanche network, the game enables players to register, mint unique NFTs, and participate in battles featuring dynamic attributes such as attack and defense. React and ethers.js facilitate wallet-based onboarding and authentication, allowing seamless interactions for players to create battles, manage tokens, and access game states, all stored immutably on-chain.

The game logic and battle mechanics are implemented through Solidity smart contracts, which handle moves, health/mana updates, and battle outcomes while ensuring compliance with ERC1155 standards and preserving data integrity. The user experience is optimized with React hooks and the context API, providing real-time updates and a responsive interface that maintains smooth gameplay and transparent state management throughout.